Product is a grueling role, and it is often an entry into a brighter, better future and role. But, upon reflection, I missed an opportunity that might have greatly altered my trajectory. For the better? Who knows, but the "what if" factor still...
More Funnies. Not sure where I harvested this, but every time I re-discover it, I get more than a couple chuckles, and remember to share it with a friend. Now I am sharing it with you. AT&T Customer Service Memorandum Please stop submitting...
A tech company's hiring policies are questioned after witnessing an employee struggle with a fax machine.
A homeowner's vague and contradictory instructions for an architect's house design, including his wife's possible change of plans.
Piss off an executive admin and face the consequences.
Limiting the overuse of Reply All in Microsoft Outlook by implementing a mental challenge before sending.