More than a decade of grousing about product management

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Where it all went wrong…

Product is a grueling role, and it is often an entry into a brighter, better future and role. But, upon reflection, I missed an opportunity that might have greatly altered my trajectory. For the better? Who knows, but the "what if" factor still...

brown padlock

Vendor Lock-In

The Dude, an experienced product manager, reflects on his early days with computers and the enduring issue of vendor lock-in. He discusses the lack of true data portability in SaaS and managed services, using his own email dilemma with G-suite as an...

Executive Fluffing

Executives are not like the rest of us. The Dude has said this before and has defended this position multiple times. But yesterday, he experienced another executive quirk, the “Fluffer” If you get offended easily, now is the time to bail out on this...