The exponential growth and utilization of AI, specifically ChatGPT, is both intriguing and alarming. The technology's prowess in automating tasks poses a significant threat to traditional jobs, potentially disrupting the workforce. As businesses...
The 80/20 rule, known as the Pareto Principle, applies to business and life. In product development, it suggests that the final 20% requires 80% of the effort. However, engineering often loses interest in this crucial stage, leaving product...
The Dude is feeling somewhat overwhelmed lately. And if you read the title of this post, you might divine that the Dude has been shoulder deep in EOL (End of Life) land that he is becoming maudlin. And you would be correct. The setup is that about 7...
Revolving door of executive leadership and the chaos it brings to organizations.
OKRs: A management cop-out? Short-term focus, political career climbing, and neglecting legacy business.
Product Managers with Imposter Syndrome can learn that being responsive and delivering even bad news can make them valuable and trusted resources.
The corporate ladder can be climbed through luck or strategy. Being designated as a high potential early in one's career offers substantial perks and a clear path to executive success. Alternatively, actively seeking out high-profile projects and...
Are employers really offering 'good' jobs? The myth of job scarcity and low wages.
The post emphasizes the frustration of being stuck in a consensus shopping culture within organizations, where decision-making is hindered by the need for constant agreement. It highlights the negative impact on innovation, efficiency, and...
Sales lie about the need for a price reduction, failing to understand market demand and the consequences of lower prices on quotas.